Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New programs

Wake up people who support Barack Obama. Change at very heavy price. Watch your taxes skyrocket. Health Care reform needs to happen but if he implements free health care for everyone is it really free? NO all the programs he wants to start will come from new taxes you will have to pay. Energy there need to be all different kinds of energy. My concern is that he will start drilling more in the us and invest in clean coal technology then sell it to other countries and leaving none for the us. He is unpatrotic and cares more about his own agenda then what is best for the US. I know they all play politics but I will vote for McCain because he can be trusted and has integrity to stand to anyone who theathens the welfare of its people.

About Acorn an organization that has strong armed community leaders and banks to lend to uncreditworthy applicants. If they did not fall in line they were threatened and black listed. These mob like tactics is not what the US needs.

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